Anna Payne Hypnotherapy


What's worrying you?

Below are some examples of the many issues I can help you with, using a combination of Hynotherapy, NLP and Talking Therapies.

  1. Addictions
  2. According to Action on Addiction, 1 in 3 people are addicted to something. Most commonly, when we think of addiction, we think of addiction to alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

  3. Alcohol abuse
  4. Hypnotherapy for alcohol abuse can help those struggling to break their addiction by working on the root cause of the dependency, then using suggestion techniques to help.

  5. Anger management
  6. Hypnotherapy for anger can help you identify the root causes of your anger and cultivate more helpful responses.

  7. Anxiety
  8. We all experience feelings of anxiety (unease, worry, fear) at some point in our lives, as a natural response to stress, uncertainty, or new situations.

  9. Arachnophobia
  10. Arachnophobia, also known as a fear of spiders, is one of the most widely known phobias, thought to affect between 3-15% of the population.

  11. Blushing
  12. Hypnotherapy for blushing can be an effective treatment to help individuals discover the root cause of the problem and suggest alternative, calmer ways to cope with the issue.

  13. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  14. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a condition that has a number of symptoms, including extreme tiredness. CFS can have a big impact on life's of those suffering and those people close to them.

  15. Claustrophobia
  16. Claustrophobia can affect people’s daily lives, as many will avoid doing certain activities or visiting places for fear they might have to navigate a small space.

  17. Depression
  18. We all feel low from time to time. Often this will quickly ease and we’ll go back to feeling like our usual selves. For some people, however, this low mood persists affecting our day to day life's.

  19. Driving anxiety
  20. The fear of driving, also known as vehophobia, is not widely talked about, but it’s more common than you might think.

  21. Drug addiction
  22. Hypnotherapy for drug addiction can help people by working on breaking unhealthy habits and behaviours, and using suggestion techniques focused on eliminating cravings.

  23. Eating problems
  24. Hypnotherapy can help work through the root causes of your eating problems and help you to remain calm and relaxed, as stress is known to be a common cause of problem eating.

  25. Emetophobia
  26. Feeling sick or being sick is never pleasant. For some people, even the thought of vomit is enough to send them spiralling into a state of panic. I will explain what emetophobia is and learn how to manage it.

  27. Exam stress and anxiety
  28. Hypnotherapy can be helpful for managing exam nerves and stress by helping reduce your anxiety and fear of failure, as well as boosting your self-confidence.

  29. Fear of flying
  30. Fear of flying, also known as aviophobia or aerophobia, is when you are frightened of being on a plane whilst in flight. This common phobia can hold people back, stopping them from holidays, work trips and seeing loved ones.

  31. Female sexual problems
  32. Many women have problems with sex at some stage in their lives. With symptoms ranging from painful intercourse to feeling anxious during sex, difficulties climaxing to loss of intimacy.

  33. Food addiction
  34. Food is something we all need to survive, it nourishes us, fuels us and contributes to our health and well-being. In an ideal world, we would all eat a varied, balanced diet however for some of us we've come addicted to curtain type of food so it becomes an unhealthy balance for some.

  35. Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)
  36. Functional neurological disorder, or FND, is a term used to describe problems with the functioning of the nervous system. This means there are issues with the way the brain is sending nerve signals.

  37. Gambling addiction
  38. Problem gambling (often referred to as gambling addiction) is the urge to continuously gamble, despite the negative consequences or a desire to stop. But there are things you can do to avoid gambling.

  39. Gastric band hypnosis
  40. Gastric band hypnotherapy is a technique used to help you lose weight. Using this technique, a hypnotherapist suggests to your subconscious that you have had a gastric band fitted.

  41. Health anxiety
  42. Health anxiety is a form of anxiety where someone is constantly worrying about their own or someone else’s health - fearing so much that they are unwell or are going to become ill.

  43. Heartbreak
  44. We all experience heartbreak. But what if we didn’t have to wait weeks, months, or even years to feel ready to move on? Hypnotherapy for heartbreak offers a positive alternative.

  45. Hoarding
  46. If it feels like you have so many things that you cannot manage the clutter, have difficulty or find it impossible to throw things away, it could be a sign of hoarding.

  47. Hypnobirthing
  48. The aim of hypnosis for childbirth, or hypnobirthing as it is commonly known, is to help you give birth in a relaxing, calm environment free from stress, anxiety or fear.

  49. Insomnia
  50. Sleep is something everybody needs. It plays a vital role in both our physical and mental health. But, sleeping problems, such as insomnia, can make it difficult for some people to go to sleep or stay asleep.

  51. Irritable bowel syndrome
  52. Hypnotherapy can help you to understand the link between your mind and gut, and ease the stress and anxiety caused by IBS, to provide relief from your symptoms.

  53. Jealousy
  54. Jealousy is a surprisingly complex emotion that can trigger feelings of rage, fear, envy, suspicion, competition, and even humiliation.

  55. Low self-confidence
  56. Low self-confidence is something many of us suffer with. It can be a result of many factors, such as fear of the unknown, low self-esteem, or fear of how other people see us.

  57. Low self-esteem
  58. Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves, what we think about ourselves and how much we value ourselves. Our self-esteem is made up of thoughts and opinions, often formed in our early childhood.

  59. Male sexual problems
  60. Hypnotherapy for sexual problems can help you understand the root of the problem you're experiencing, reduce associated stress and anxiety, and help to rebuild confidence.

  61. Mysophobia
  62. Mysophobia, also known as germophobia, is the extreme fear of germs. It has become more common since the Covid-19 pandemic.

  63. Needle phobia
  64. For some people, a fear of needles can be so great it can cause them to miss vital GP or hospital appointments and interfere with their daily life.

  65. Obsessions and compulsions
  66. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition that involves obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. It can affect anybody and can develop at any age.

  67. Pain management
  68. Chronic pain is a complicated issue that can be hard to treat. Often, a variety of approaches are needed to help lessen pain, improve independence and help you cope with the emotional side of pain.

  69. Panic attacks
  70. A panic attack happens when your body is responding to fear. In short, it is an exaggeration of your body’s natural response to excitement, stress or danger.

  71. Phobias
  72. Phobias develop when someone has an exaggerated or unrealistic fear surrounding a certain situation or object.

  73. Procrastination
  74. Nearly one in five of us put off important tasks until the last minute, thanks to distractions, feelings of overwhelm and being unsure of how to get started.

  75. Public speaking
  76. Having a fear of public speaking is common; the thought of getting up in front of a crowd and talking is enough to make most of us break out in a sweat. More and more of us are having to do this as part of our jobs.

  77. Quit smoking
  78. Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking can be an effective method in challenging unhelpful mindsets and negative behaviours associated with smoking, helping you to live a healthier life by becoming a non-smoker.

  79. Reduce drinking
  80. Worried about how much you're drinking but not sure where to start? I will explain more about the benefits of slowing down or reducing how much alcohol you drink, then help you to drink less.

  81. Relationship issues
  82. Hypnotherapy for relationships helps get to the root of problems, change unhelpful behaviour patterns and build confidence. Here, I explore the different relationship problems and how to fix them.

  83. Relaxation
  84. Relaxation refers to the state of body and mind that is free from tension, stress and anxiety. Relaxation is an essential part of self-care, helping you look after your well-being.

  85. Sex addiction
  86. Sex addiction, also known as sexual compulsion and sexual dependency, can be used to describe any kind of sexual activity that someone feels is out of control.

  87. Sleep problems
  88. Helping us process the day, rest and heal, sleep has a huge impact on our overall health and well-being. When we become sleep deprived, we can start feeling exhausted, lacking in motivation.

  89. Stress
  90. Stress is something we experience when we feel under too much pressure and unable to cope. Often it’s a build-up of small, subtle stresses like work-related stress or relationship stress.

  91. Tinnitus
  92. Hypnotherapy for tinnitus can help reduce associated stress and anxiety, lowering the emotional impact and making it easier to dismiss the noise.

  93. Trauma
  94. Trauma happens as an emotional response following an upsetting event. Without intervention, trauma can lead to developing long-term issues and PTSD.

  95. Weight loss
  96. Hypnosis for weight loss can be an effective way of challenging unhelpful mindsets that may be subconsciously (or consciously) decreasing your chances of successfully losing weight.